Special Events
Fundraising Events

Fundraising events are amazing sources of funds, but they are definitely �high maintenance,� collaborative activities that require a designated group to work on making it a success. The following key steps will help you begin to develop a process:

  1. Identify the type of event you want to do.
  2. Identify a group of engaged supporters to help you plan and execute the event.
  3. Identify potential sponsors for the event.
  4. Identify a potential venue to hold the event.
  5. Work with the Special Event Committee to identify a date 6-8 months out.
  6. Schedule the venue and secure the sponsors.
  7. Create a comprehensive checklist that includes marketing strategies, food, entertainment, sales of tickets, donor coordination and communications, seating, and other related pieces.
  8. Identify responsible parties for each item on the checklist.
  9. Meet biweekly with the group to determine progress.
  10. If you are able to do these first few steps, you will be on your way. The key to success is meticulous planning. Check your resources and adjust the plan. You will be able to implement a detailed plan by working with your team, and being flexible.