• Data Collection & Use

    Your organization can transform your community if it has the right information to make decisions. We can provide basic data collection and data support for surveys, city, county, state, or special projects. Data support for collection is available depending on the scope of the project as needed. Project data is central to successful planning and evaluation of projects.

  • Community Impact

    Strategic Planning is a critical navigational tool for moving your nonprofit forward. Your organization will accomplish more by being able to communicate both internally and externally where it has been, where it is, and where it is going. This is a concrete way for employees, community members, and other stakeholders to engage quickly.

  • Grants

    Grants are a mechanism that can help your organization make its planning, consultant feedback, or industry change happen. Grants are catalysts. They require accountable, visionary leadership with reporting mechanisms.

  • Brand Recognition

    Marketing tools can be built and designed to complement your brand and your image. This can be done for reasonable costs and to compliment your customer or donor base. A plan and strategy for rolling out the items can help you leverage the assets of your organization and the opportunities in your community.